Mobile Clinic
NOW OFFERING the convenience of daily dosing in the cities of Baraboo and Portage. No need to travel to Madison or other far distance cities for dosing.
• Save travel time (up to 3 hours per day)
• No extra expenses of gas or wear and tear on your vehicle
• Spend the saved time with friends, family, work and your other favorite activities!!
• Flexibility to dose in Madison, Baraboo or Portage, depending on your schedule.
• Portage Hours M-FR 6:30-9:00 am, Saturday and Sunday 6:30-8:00 am
200 E. Cook Street, City Parking lot
• Baraboo Hours M-Fr 9:30 – 11 am, not open on weekends.
727 8th Street, St Paul’s Lutheran Church parking lot
Days Mobile Clinic is CLOSED include:
New Years DAY (January 1st)
Memorial Day (Last Monday of May)
July 4th
Labor Day (First Monday of September)
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day (December 25th)
Mobile Clinic Definition
Breaking barriers to healthcare. The primary purpose of a mobile clinic is to break down barriers to healthcare by bringing medical services directly to people who typically lack access to them.